Saturday, September 11, 2010

Who am I?

I'm not entirely certain that I've ever answered the question: Who am I? I rarely reflect, particularly on myself but below is a stream of consciousness - without much filter - of how I perceive myself.

I am a son, a brother, a grandson, a nephew and a cousin. I'm a friend to some, but an acquaintance to many more. I'm a boyfriend and a lover. I'm a coworker. I'm an energetic, passionate 28 year-old male who strives to be genuine to those around him with the hopes that this attribute will be reflected in others. Being fit is a big part of my life but having fun staying fit is bigger. I love to play. I love to show others little known places to experience nature. I'm a maven of sorts. I love sharing little jewels in life whether it be a good deal, a great shortcut, a hidden waterfall or a great view. I'm absolutely in love. I'm thrifty, but money isn't important to my happiness. I'm a big fan of simplifying my life to what's truly important to me. I'm a big planner. I love planning trips, events, adventures, but I've learned to be flexible because letting life take you on some side streets you didn't expect to be on is way more fun than always knowing what's going to happen. I'm hairy. I'm a fan of music but I know nothing about how it's made. I enjoy a good microbrew or a glass of Spanish Rioja wine. I love random crazy ideas and acting on them. I'm a doer. I love to take action on something and can organize how the vision is going to be acted out. I love having fun with friends but am sometimes still socially awkward with large groups of new people. I have trouble communicating and expressing myself occasionally. I tell really long stories. I have a distinctively deep voice. I always love learning, many times it's what keeps me going. I love the outdoors and try to spend as much time possible outside. I'm a thinker. I can be quiet and sometimes enjoy being reclusive. I love and cherish life. I'm learning to love and cherish those around me more. I'm very perceptive of people, objects, mannerisms and feelings but rarely voice my perceptions. I appreciate honesty more than anything. I get very excited about new ideas. I'm sometimes too practical for my own good. I'm open minded, but know what I stand for and what I want. I'm getting much better at extracting what others want (from me, life, to eat, etc), but still have a little ways to go. I sometimes like bragging about achievements whether they be mine or others close to me, but sometimes it comes out after feigned modesty. I love efficiency. I'm learning to relax. I can be very even-keel in a crisis, but that doesn't mean I don't care. I often show up casually late, but others causing me to be late is a big pet-peeve. I'm a utilitarian cyclist. I do like to dance even though I'm a novice at body shaking. I often whistle a lot when I'm happy. I sing while I'm alone on my bike. I can be selfish, but recently have come to learn the appropriate time to do that and embrace selflessness more. I like giving to those who deserve it and have a hard time giving to those who don't. I like proof and am skeptical of faith. I am capable of resisting temptation to just about anything, but am able to distinguish when a temptation will improve my quality of life. I like taking photographs with unique perspectives. My level of insecurity fluctuates, but I'm decent at portraying confidence. I like giving people the benefit of the doubt that I've never met. I have trouble trusting people will do what they say, but prefer trusting action rather than words. I advocate utilitarianism and transcendentalism. I am rebellious. I don't take kindly to controlling personalities. I like making people smile. I have abnormally long eyelashes for a male. I'm fairly open. I am a liberal. I don't like being sedentary. I have trouble pronouncing the word "wolf". I often judge people after five minutes of meeting them. Food is important in my life, but I don't love spending a long time cooking, though I'm learning to. I have a big heart for those close to me. I love life. I like to think I have a unique knack for knowing when someone I meet is special and keeping them in my life if possible. I enjoy overcoming fears. I like taking risks, but am careful that they are calculated risks. I am a young man who enjoys being.

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